MIM Locations


Region Agency Agency website
Northumberland County Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre www.cornerstonenorthumberland.ca
Durham Region
(Pickering, Uxbridge, Bowmanville)
Catholic Family Services of Durham www.cfsdurham.com
Districts of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Équipe psycho-sociale https://eps-sdg.ca
York Region Yellow Brick House www.yellowbrickhouse.org
Manitoulin Island, Espanola and the North Shore from Nairn Centre to Massey/Sagamok Manitoulin Family Resource www.mfresources.net
Dufferin County and the Town of Caledon Family Transition Place www.familytransitionplace.ca 
Niagara Region

Family Counselling Centre Niagara 

Windsor and Essex County Hiatus House www.hiatushouse.com


Region Agency Agency website
Inner and Outer Gippsland Area, Victoria Anglicare Victoria https://www.anglicarevic.org.au
Greater Victoria and Tasmania Area Baptcare https://www.baptcare.org.au
Greater Melbourne Area, Victoria Kids First Australia https://www.kidsfirstaustralia.org.au
Greater Melbourne Area, Victoria Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre https://www.safvcentre.org.au